Nothing Says Sexy Like…

March 6, 2009


Nothing says sexy like a gothic cross.

Please excuse the crappy quality picture – I had to take the picture with my iPhone and I wasn’t too sure what the focus was on, but you got the basic gist of it.  Today I was at Ten Ren’s Tea Time after hanging out with some friends at good ol’ Riverside, CA when I came upon this club flier.  As club fliers go, this one was pretty generic.  Sexy woman, bold colors, convoluted type and art, all designed to grab you by the loins and usher you into their establishment every Friday so they can relieve you of all the money in your wallet.  In return, Club Skyy will make you feel more confident than you have reason to be by providing you with mind-altering swagger-swelling juices and the illusion that girls that look like said scantily-clad model can be found in places like San Bernardino County.

The one thing that caught my eye was that the barely-clad female on the club flier chose to accesorize her stunna shades with a sexy gothic cross.  Cos when I’m feeling really sexy, I like to imagine myself in the antechamber of an idyllic European catherdral and all the dirty, dirty things I can do there.